Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Gift!

We started the day bright and early and got breakfast out of the way because I had a bird to put in the oven by about 0800 for a 2pm dinner time. 

I do so despise touching raw meat especially raw poultry, but I managed to pull the neck and gizzards out of the cold dead bird and get it stuffed and in the oven just after 0800.  I then proceeded to bleach the sink and the surrounding counter to prevent any contamination!!!

Nana, Papaw and Aunt Jennie arrived about 0930 to join in the festivities.  The kids were so excited to see them.  They came bearing some very large gifts for Christmas as well.  They let the kids each open one package each which they were thrilled about. 

The kids went out with Daddy, Grandpa Rob, Aunt Jennie and Nana to play for a while while I continued with preparations for dinner.  The table was set with my Christmas dishes and our Christmas table cloth and fun napkin holders.  I do love my Christmas dishes.  We even managed to get all 12 of us in the same room by adding our little card table to the end of the big table.  It was perfect.

The bird was finished about 130pm and then it was crunch time to get everything else ready and everything on the table while it was still hot.  A feat that is very hard to accomplish I must say.  Aunt Linny and Uncle Smitty arrived just in time for Aunt Linny to whip up the turkey gravy.  She brought her mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes which was a great help!

Dinner turned out great.  The turkey was moist and juicy and everything was good and hot!  It was such a blessing to have our family with us to celebrate this Thanksgiving Day 2010.

Dessert time was a big hit too.  Pumpkin pie was the sweet of choice.  Some had it with cool whip and some with ice cream.  It was the perfect end to dinner! 

We visited for a while after dinner and then it was time for Nana, Papaw and Aunt Jennie to head back to Bradenton.  Shortly after that Aunt Linny and Uncle Smitty headed out as well.   We got all the little ones ready for bed and tucked them in after the long fun day.

Grandpa Rob, Daddy, Peanut and I watched a movie together and then it was bedtime for all!  It was a great day of family fun and memories!

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