Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Kickolator, the Vet and the Wal-Mart Trip!!!

I awoke this morning to find that Noni's hotspot that I had been treating was getting worse so I decided it ws time to take her to the vet.  Schnooky tagged along with me to keep me and Noni company.

Before we left Missy was trying to pinch Schnooky and he tried to kick her.  I told him that it wasn't nice to kick his sister and that she needed to be nice to her brother.  Schnooky then announced that his foot was called "The kickolator and that's why you should never get near it because it might come out".  Where does he come up with these things????

We waited about 45 minutes before being called back to see the doctor.  It took 3 of us to get a muzzle on her so that she didn't eat the doctor when he was trying to shave her tail and clean the area.  I felt so bad for her.  I know it had to really hurt her.  They got the area shaved and cleaned and then gave her a shot of antibiotics and steroids.  After they shaved her tail, Schnooky asked, "Is Noni a poodle now"?  So funny!!!

One hour and $228.76 later we were on our way home.  Schnooky was so good the whole time.  He sat so nicely and didn't run around or anything.  He was thrilled when they gave him a lollipop before we left.

I was not too happy about the steroid shot as that usually makes her a drinking peeing machine.  I totally forgot to tell them that when we first got in the room.  We shall see how it goes.  They also want me to give her an oral antibiotic 3 times a day.  Ouch!!  I usually come close to losing a few fingers when I have to shove pills down her throat.  She has gotten too smart and doesn't fall for the whip cream or peanut butter trick anymore.

When we got back home I attempted to unpack all of the Christmas boxes with a little help from some friends of course.  Woobie and Schnooky helped me unpack while Missy played in the family room with Daddy.

A little after 3pm we decided to load up the wild children and the teenager and head to Wal-Mart for them to look down the toy aisles and make their lists.  We told them they could choose 5 toys each to put on their lists.  We went down the aisles once and then let them go down a second time and then decide on their 5 items.  It was fun to watch them make up their minds.  We of course censored what went on their lists.  Peanut is only getting one thing for Christmas and that is money for his Senior Trip coming up in March!!!

We then went to have dinner at Just Pizza before running by Aldi's to pick up some groceries. Missy fell asleep on the way home. We got back home around 7pm and I tucked Missy into her bed and and then we let the boys go outside and look at the Christmas lights before tucking them in for the night.  They always love to go out and look at the lights before bedtime.

Daddy went to bed a little before 10pm as he had to work at the crack of dawn on Sunday.  I stayed up until about 11pm catching up with my 19 Kids and Counting episodes and blogging.

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