Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Work Work Work

So, I have worked the last two days!!  Blah!!!  I am growing weary of people with 2 days worth of cold symptoms coming in for the magic Z-Pak.  It's viral people and the only thing a Z-Pak will do is increase the drug resistance in the world!!!  I suppose I should look at these people as job security because I see them and educate them on their lack of need for antibiotics and they pay for my expert opinion, but it does get old sometimes.

Anyway, enough about work.  Haven't seen too much of the kiddos the last two days, but have been able to spend the mornings with them before work.  This morning everyone was bright eyed and bushy tailed when I got to Grandma's house.  Schnooky Bear was very excited to show me how he could jump over a rolled up playmat.  So cute he is that boy.  Woobie tried to join in, but Schnooky Bear was having no part of sharing the limelight.

They all then donned their capes and began to play superhero, but Missy Miss straightened those boys out when she announced that she was not a superhero, she was "Super Bunny".  They are so funny together.

Peanut, well he is growing up.  Seems we don't ever see him much since he has now started his Senior year in high school.  The reality that my first born is very close to leaving the nest makes me sad sometimes.  I am not ready for him to go and I don't think that he is ready to go yet either. No matter how many times he says he wants to move out after he graduates, I truly don't think he is ready for that big step.  He still has some finetuning to be done before the end of his high school career.

The Varsity Baseball team has started practicing again.  Peanut shared with us last night that he ran practice that afternoon.  I am so pleased to see him taking more of a leadership role on the team.  He really has a lot of talent.  I am looking forward to watching him play his last year of high school baseball.  I love to watch him and his team play ball!!!

It is time to call it a night.  I get to enjoy a day off with hubby tomorrow.  Not often he gets a day off during the week so hopefully we will have a nice day home with the kidlets.

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