Sunday, August 8, 2010

Whirlwind Weekend

It is Sunday night and I am beat.  It has been a whirlwind weekend for sure.  I had to work all weekend which certainly added to the craziness. 

So, lets see when I last blogged we were trying out the theory of Missy Miss staying in her new big girl bed all night.  Well, it went pretty well.  She woke up several times throughout the night Friday night, but in her defense she was running a low grade fever and I think her little 2 year molars are starting to come in.  That being said although I went into her room several times she did not actually get out of bed and come to our room until about 5 am on Saturday morning.  I put her in our bed to take her temperature and she very firmly announced she wanted to go back to her Princess bed!!!!  I took her back to her bed and there we slept until Schnooky Bear awoke fussing and hollering for Mommy at 0630.

I quickly took him to our room so he didn't wake Missy Miss and he continued to fuss and carry on.  Finally, after many inquiries as to why he was fussing, Daddy finally asked one more time what the problem was and he announced-"I don't know yet".  With that he finally settled down and went back to sleep.  All was peaceful for another hour and then I had to get ready for work.  It always works that way-when I can sleep in they are all bouncing off the walls at the crack of dawn and when I can't they sleep blissfully!!!

Bedtime Saturday night was like a 3 ring circus literally with all 3 of the little munchkins popping up out of bed for one performance after the other until after 8 pm.  Finally Daddy saved the day and lulled them to sleep.  I summarily informed him that he was now going to be in charge of bedtime!  Yeah right!!!

Little Missy had a pretty rough night last night, hence so did Mommy.  She woke up quite a bit fussing because of her little toothies hurting her.  Finally at midnight I plopped 2 homeopathic teething tablets under her tongue and she slept for several hours.  Of course  Mr. Schnooky Bear made an appearance in our room shortly after I got Missy Miss back to sleep.  As I said before I sometimes wonder why they have beds at all because he ended up on the couch for the rest of the night and then Woobie joined him on the other end at some point as well.

This morning, however we all slept in until after 730-wooohoooo!!!!  One for the record books I tell you!!!

Missy Miss didn't actually wake up until 8 and boy was she crabby!!!  She and I snuggled in my bed watching Mickey Mouse while the boys ran around playing with there foam swords!!  Finally, at 0830 Grandma arrived and it was time to get ready for work!!!

Work was very busy today.  They just kept coming in all day long with one ailment after another.  Oh well, that is job security and it definitely helped the day fly by.

Sunday dinner was not too eventful.  Peanut made a brief appearance before running off to school for their first Senior prank of the year.  It is so hard to believe he is one year from graduating from High School.  Dad and I went out to the school Saturday afternoon for a parent information session and dinner with the Seniors.  It is unbelieveable how much they have planned to do this year.  I remember when I graduated we had Grad night at Disney World and that was about it.  Peanut has not only Grad night at Disney, but Grad Bash at Universal, a Senior trip snowskiing in Vermont or Colorado, Project Graduation, etc etc.  I think we may have to take out a second mortgage to afford it all.  Oh and of course Senior pictures, cap and gown, announcements and on and on.  I also need to quit my job and be his fulltime social planner for all of the dates we are supposed to remember and parent planning sessions for all of the parties.  I am exhausted just typing all of this!!!

On a serious note, I about broke down in tears on the way home that evening just thinking about the prospect of my first born graduating and perhaps leaving the nest in just over a year.  Of course, my hope and prayer is that he will stay home the first year or so of college and save money while getting his general education requirements out of the way at either SCC or UCF.  We are also praying for at least a 3.0 so he can be eligible for a Bright Futures Scholarship to help pay for college education.

Oh by the way, after Sunday dinner and tucking the little ones snug in their beds my mom and I walked the Nonster around the block and then we swam laps in the pool for 20 minutes.  It was great.  We didn't think we would make it the full 20 but we did it.  Burned 165 plus calories to boot!!!!

Well, I will close for now.  All is quiet in the house tonight because the little ones are camping out at Grandma and Grandpas.  So, if the dog doesn't wake me in the middle of the night I might actually get an uninterupted night of sleep.  I'll let you know how it works out.  Goodnnight all!!!  It is bedtime for me as work comes early!!!

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