Friday, August 6, 2010

What a crazy week!

It has been quite a crazy week.  I felt like I was running a rat race for sure.  I had a conference for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday all the way down at the Walt Disney World Dolphin Resort which was quite the drive everyday.  It was a great conference so I can't complain much.  I tell you though I was utterly exhausted every night after sitting around all day.  Funny how that works.  The more you are moving the less tired you are and then when all you do is sit all day you feel like you have been run over by a truck! 

One drawback of being at the conference was not seeing the kiddies much for those days.  I sure missed those little buggers!  Grandma was on extra duty for those days so she was pretty tired too.

In the midst of all of this we have decided to refinance our house.  What an adventure!!  Not sure why it all has to be so complicated, but if it works out we will save quite a bit of money every year so it will have been worth the gray hairs-I can color them anyway!!!

Thursday I spent in front of my computer working on projects for work so the kiddies again were hanging with Grandma at least for part of the day.  Bedtime that night was another adventure with trying to keep everyone in their beds.  Sometimes I wonder why they have beds because they usually end up on the couch or in our bed.  We keep saying we should buy a King size bed to fit everyone. 

Today was quite a whirlwind.  It started at about 6:30 am with Schnooky Bear wanting to watch a movie!  I informed him that it was still nighttime and there would be no movie watching.  Then Missy Miss was up about 20 minutes later and the fun began!!!  She announced very early in the day that she didn't want anyone to touch her and she let everyone see  and hear her wrath if they disregarded her command!  Her brothers of course did their best to egg her on, as any good big brothers would do!!!

Things were going along pretty well until I reached under the kitchen sink for something only to find the entire cabinet soaking wet with about an inch of water standing in it.  Not exactly what I had planned for my day!!!  After pulling everything out and soaking up the water we had our Bible time and commenced to project clean house.  Everyone got $.50 for helping out.  We are starting them out with small change and then they can work their way up to the big bucks in a few years.  The three little ones each have their own container that they are learning to save money in and we give them money when they help out with happy hearts of course.  It is a nice incentive and an early start of teaching them the value of money and hard work! They all did a great job of picking up toys and they even helped with the dusting.

After naptime they watched a movie together.  I was so proud of Woobie and Schnooky Bear because they practiced their peacemaking skills that they had learned from Bible time and let Missy Miss watch her Tinker Bell movie.  I was just beaming at how they both were so giving to their sister.

The afternoon was spent splashing around in the pool with Big brother Peanut and his girlfriend.  The kids absolutely adore her.  A fun time was had by all until of course it came time to get out and fight over who got which towel.  I think I need to buy 3 identical towels and then they won't have anything to argue over.  The whole peacemaking thing went out the window.  No one was interested in making any peace at this point.

Daddy meanwhile made 3 trips to Home Depot to get a new faucet for the kitchen sink.  He returned the first time to find he got the wrong color faucet and then the second time he got all the way to Home Depot only to realize he forgot his wallet.  Poor guy!!  Finally the third time was the charm and he had wallet in hand and the right color faucet.

Due to the multiple trips to Home Depot and the lateness of the hour it was decided that me and the kids would meet him at the mattress store to look for a new mattress for little Missy Miss.  We decided to bite the bullet and the budget to get her a full size mattress instead of the toddler bed she was sleeping in.  We were going on Grandma's hunch that she would sleep better in a bigger bed because at her house she sleeps in a full size bed and rarely gets up at all throughout the night.  If this theory holds true it will have been so worth the expense just for a goodnight's sleep for her and us!!!

We had a nice dinner with the 7 of us at Red Brick Pizza.  It was actually a pretty peaceful dining experience for us which is something to put in the books for sure.  Not too much screaming once we got Missy Miss her own Sprite. 

After dinner we ventured to Target to get little Missy's new bedding ensemble.  We gave her a choice between flowers and Disney Princesses.  I am sure we can all guess which one the Princess chose.  She was so excited she walked through the store holding her sheets and exclaiming how much she "lobed" them.  The Target experience was not nearly as peaceful as dinner.  We were approaching overload by then and they were in rare form running hither and yon making enough noise for all to hear.  The Sprite had definitely kicked in.

Finally home, it was time to set up the new bed.  When all was said and done it was after 9 pm before everyone was tucked into bed, but not before Schnooky Bear had a meltdown because the Princess didn't want him to sleep with her in her new bed.  As I write this they all sleep soundly, for now anyway in their own beds. 

Well, I think I am going to call it a night!!!  Work comes early tomorrow!!! Daddy is on duty with the kiddies while I am off to work treating what ails people!!!  I am sure there will be plenty of adventure to report from Daddy's Day Care tomorrow!!!

Goodnight All!!!

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