Monday, August 30, 2010

Weekend with the family!

After working all day Thursday it was time to officially have my three day weekend!  It has been a busy three day too I must say.  So put on your seatbelt and get ready for a marathon blog posting!

First an update on the great bed experiment!  It is still going pretty well.  She stayed in her bed all night Thursday night.  Friday night she was at Grandma's and last night was a little rough, but all in all I think we made a good investment in upgrading to a better quality, softer mattress for her.

Friday started early!! They were all rearing to go at about 0600.  We ate a quick breakfast and headed out a little after 0800 with the double stroller, the three little ones and the dog for a morning walk.  We walked to Grandmas for a quick visit and some Gingersnaps and then back home.

Then in a moment of insanity I decided to take all of the littles bowling!  I am trying to get the most out of our free bowling passes and just have some good fun.  Schnooky Bear kept reminding me that Daddy had told him that maybe the next time we went bowling they would have his size bowling shoes.  So I asked for the smallest size they had available and it was only about 1 size bigger than he wears so I splurged on the extra $4 to get him bowling shoes.  He was thrilled to say the least. 

They all bowled one game and then we started the second, but everyone was getting hungry and Schnooky and Missy Miss were growing bored with the whole bowling thing.  So we ordered some pizza and let Woobie pretty much bowl for all three of them the rest of the game.  However, he was quite upset to see that Missy Miss beat him again.  I tried to explain to him that he essentially bowled for everyone and therefore he really did win, but he just wasn't able to process that at all.  He just kept saying how mad he was that Missy Miss beat him again.  As we were getting in the car he stated very seriously that last time he was sad but now he was mad because he lost again.  No matter how many ways I tried to explain it to him he just didn't get it.

All in all it went pretty well with just the four of us.  Schnooky Bear attempted to kick the bowling ball down the lane a few times and they all tried to climb on top of the ball return a couple of times, but all things considered they were very well behaved and a fun time was had by all.

We then headed toward home and of course Missy Miss was out like a light less then 5 minutes after take off.  She slept for another hour after we got home and the boys chilled with Nick, Jr.  Missy Miss was a cranky clingon after she woke up and I barely had time to jump in the shower before it was time to drop the kiddies off at Grandma and Grandpa's for a sleepover.

Then it was date night for mommy and daddy!!!  Wooohoooo!  We met the Cha Cha's and hubbies for dinner at Osaka!  I was so looking forward to that the whole week.  I love Osaka's and especially the white sauce and veggies!!!  Yummy!!  I saved most of my calories for the day just for dinner.  After dinner we then all went to Northland for The Marriage Show.

I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but it was a really good program.  It was lighthearted and funny, but about a serious topic of how to improve your marriage.  It was kind of a spoof of the tonight show, Price is Right with Plinko and a musical montage based on the Wizard of Oz music and a Styx song to share the seven steps to a great marriage!!  We had a really good time out with friends.  We arrived home about 10pm and shortly there after called it a night.

We were up a little before 0800 on Saturday morning and I went to get the kiddies from Grandma's.  When we arrived back home Woobie and Schnooky Bear wanted to ride their bikes around the block with me while I walked Noni.  I was not realy confident about how this would all go, but I gave it the college try.  Needless to say, we barely made it around the culdesac before Schnooky was ready to go back home.  I dropped him off with Daddy and then headed out again with just Woobie.  He made it down the street about 3-4 houses and then announced he could go no further.  So, we turned around and headed back home again.  Poor Noni was dazed and confused by this time.  Finally, after returning both boys back to daddy I was able to get a descent walk in.  I have been trying to walk twice a day with the dog so she can get more exercise and I can burn more calories and reach my goal to fit back into my pre-babies wardrobe.  I am getting pretty close, but not there quite yet.

The day just got crazier from there.  All three of the little ones were in rare form.  They were wired for sure.  Daddy was in charge of lunch while I went to the bank for a cashiers check to have in preparation for our one o'clock closing on the refinance of our house.  Yes, it finally all came together and we closed the deal.  It only took about a month to hammer out all of the details!!! 

We tried the whole nap thing before the notary arrived, but to no avail.  I tell you when they get up at the crack of dawn it seems to be harder to get them down for a nap.  It's like they are running on pure adrenaline all day.  So, while the notary was here biggest brother Peanut played games with them, well at least Woobie because the other two were in and out of the dining room until we finally let them play with playdoh to keep them occupied while we signed and or initialed 120 pages of documents!!!.

That evening after dinner and putting the munchkins to bed, Peanut took his mommy on a date to see the 3D Avatar.  I wasn't quite sure what to expect.  I had heard how awesome the move was, but never knew what the storyline was all about.  It was quite a movie.  Someone had  an imagination to dream up this sci-fi movie for sure.  We had a great night and it was nice to spend some one on one time with Peanut since I don't see him much anymore. 

We didn't get home until about 1130pm and then it was off to dreamland, well at least until about 0200 when Missy Miss came tromping in.  I took her back to bed and stayed with her until she went back to sleep.  She was so funny while she was going back to sleep.  She would take her fringy blankie and hold her foot up and tickle her foot with the fringes and then under her arm.  That didn't last long however and she was back up.  Finally at about 0330 I gave up and let her sleep on the couch.

All of the little ones were up around 0600 and rearing to go.  I am really growing weary of their new wake up time.  I liked 0700 much better.  Daddy got up around 0800 and made them pancakes while I took Noni for a spin around the block.  When I returned it was crunch time to get ready for church.  Showers for everyone and then the fight with Schnooky Bear over his wardrobe choices for the day!!  He is a funny one I tell you.  He gets it in his head what he wants to wear and trying to convince him otherwise takes an act of congress.

I also had to get the green bean casserole ready to take for our church potluck lunch.  Needless to say we were quite late for church, but we made it.  The sermon was more about how to uphold the Sabbath and trying to make it a priority over the other distractions of this world.  Another pertinent message for me for sure.

We then stayed for potluck lunch at church.  I so love church potlucks.  The food and fellowship is so awesome.  I wish we had them more often.  Schnooky and Woobie had a great time playing with the other kids and running around the Narthex.  Missy Miss so wanted to join the fray, but I was afraid she would get knocked over and hurt for sure.  We headed back to Grandma and Grandpa's around 130-2pm and spent the rest of the afternoon just hanging out and spending time together.

Grandma and I took the littles outside to play around 4pm and I played baseball with Woobie while she pushed Schnooky and Missy on the tire swing.  Schnooky was being onry and kicking his sister.  When Grandma stopped the swing he was happy and told Grandma that he kicked her purposely so she would get off the swing and then he could go higher.  If that isn't proof that we are all born sinners, I don't know what is.  Even at 3 his little heart is sinful and in need of a Savior. 

Daddy arrived a little after 4pm from practicing baseball fundamentals with Peanut out at MDB and played baseball with the boys.  Peanut is signed up for a camp which will have scouts from many colleges looking at players on Labor Day weekend so he and Dad are working on some fine tuning before this weekend.

Winston came over about 430pm for Sunday dinner.  It was so nice to see him.  He and his wife Mary lived next door to us at our old house.  They used to help us with Peanut when he was younger and they were just like another set of grandparents to him.  Mary passed away a few years ago and Winston has been living alone since.  He is a little unsteady on his feet, but his mind is sharp as a tack.

During dinner Missy Miss was so cute.  She was eating her veggies and cornbread and exclaimed, "Oh this is the goodest".

After dinner, Woobie shared some of his memory verses with Mr. Winston.  It was so cute when he recited John 3:16-He said "When God so loved the world he gave his only forgotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life"  So sweet.  He is so smart and has such a good memory and beautiful heart.

Mr Winston left around 645pm and then it was time to settle the little ones down for the night.  I put Missy Miss to bed and she was asleep in less than 5 minutes.  Grandpa let the boys stay up and watch The Silly Show aka Wipeout and Grandma and I went walking with Noni.  We are really trying to burn those calories.

Well, enough from the homefront for now.  Happy reading!


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