Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lazy Weekend

The weekend has almost come to an end and all in all I have to say it has been a pretty lazy 2 days.  It has been really nice not rushing here and there.  We got to spend time with the kiddies and just relax. 

We started the weekend with a date night for mom and dad.  We went to dinner and then a romantic stroll through Aldi's and Publix for groceries.  After 18 years and 4 kids just getting time together is priceless no matter where we spend it.  We even got to sleep in on Saturday morning because the little ones spent the night with Grandma and Grandpa.  Woohoo!!!

Saturday we hung around the house.  Daddy mowed the lawn and mommy entertained the wild ones.  Mr. Schnooky Bear was in rare form.  He stated matter of factly when I gave him a bowl of Baked Lays chips that he didn't like them.  I told him that he couldn't know that since he had never tasted them before.  He proceeded to lick one and say "They don't have alot of sparkles".  I could do nothing but laugh at that point. 

Nap time came and went with only little Missy Miss napping so needless to say the midday peace and quiet  I had hoped for didn't happen.  Oh well, you win some you lose some!

We had yummy tacos for dinner.  The little ones love tortillas and cheese.  At the dinner table Schnooky Bear announced that his friends Maddy, Hooty and Cooty were coming later to watch him play his game.  He's had this ongoing imaginary friend named Maddy for a while.  She pops up every now and then.  On one occasion he announced that Maddy was having a baby and on another occasion she was coming over to stay because her mom had died.  I swear I don't know where he comes up with this stuff.  I don't let him watch Soap operas!  Hooty and Cooty are the latest additions to his imaginary world. 

Daddy was in charge after dinner because I had to go to a staff meeting for work.  He got them all down without too much fuss.

It was church time today and we actually got there on time, which is quite an accomplishment for us.  Woobie and Schnooky Bear love worship time.  They dance in the aisle to the music and run eagerly to the front of the church for children's time.  I helped out in their class today so I got to spend the whole church time with them and 17 other 3-5 year olds. Can you say Calgon!  Missy Miss played happily  in the nursery and Peanut helped out with the elementary kids. 

We spent the afternoon at Grandma's house reading books, painting and just being lazy.  Peanut spent his afternoon cleaning his pit, which is another name for his bedroom.  Neatness is not his forte'.

Missy Miss was brushing mommy's hair and putting hair pretty's in after nap time. It is so neat to have a little girl to share all of the girlie activities with.  I love to brush her hair.  It is just so soothing to me to have her sit and let me brush and fix her hair.  However, it is a rare moment that she will actually let me do that.

Sunday dinner at Grandma and Grandpas was another adventure as always.  Between the whining about not wanting to eat what was fixed and Missy Miss smashing peas all over her tray it was quite a relaxing meal-Not!!!  Of course we can't forget Schnooky Bear who refused to eat and then wanted a cookie for dessert.  We stood our ground despite his crazy story about a monster eating his dinner which he rationalized should give him carte blanche to a cookie. 

Dinner behind us we packed up Missy Miss and headed home.  The little boys got to have a sleepover with the Grands so bedtime was fairly easy except for little Miss insisting on sleeping on her floor.  Hey-I have to pick my battles and that wasn't one I was willing to fight.  So needless to say she is sound asleep on her floor and all is quiet in the house for now!!!

Goodnight all!!!

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