Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pumpkins, Pumpkins and more Pumpkins!!!

Well, work went fairly well on Monday (10/25).  I told my buddies at CVS about my impending departure from MC.  I will definitely miss them too as they have also become like a second family to me.  Not to worry though I will stop in to bug them every now and then.

Tuesday me and the kiddies and Grandma pretty much spent the day at the Pumpkin Patch.  We went up there initially for storytime at 11am, but no one showed up. Meanwhile, they asked if we could help from 2-4 as someone had cancelled.  So we went home for a quick lunch and I got about an hour and a half of MC work done and then it was off to the patch.  We were already signed up for 4-6 so we were in for a 4 hour marathon.  The kids were loving every minute of it.  They played on the hay bales and helped find rotten pumpkins in the patch.
Daddy brought dinner up a little after 5 pm and then we high tailed it out of there at 6 to take the very dirty children to Grandpa and then it was time for the ChaCha Peak 8 fitness hour before Bible Study.

Grandpa bathed the little urchins and then they carved a little pumpkin together.  They had a great day for sure!!!  I know they all slept well that night and so did I.

Wednesday was a MC work day at home for Mommy.  The kidlets stayed with Grandma for most of the day.  The alarm guy came to the house around 0800 to switch over our system and I worked on MC projects.

A little after noon I got ready and headed to Tuskawilla to meet with Terri and have lunch and then finish her checkoffs.  Before leaving though we had a little excitement.  The manager called into the clinic and asked us for help because a woman was attacked in the parking lot.  So we donned our gloves and headed to the front of the store to find a woman bleeding from the back of her head surrounded by police officers.  She was leaving the store and a man grabbed her and knocked her backwards and stole her prescription which was a pain medication.   I also saw my good friend Amy's hubby Jason in action when he came to the scene to take care of our patient.  It is a small world after all.

I then headed toward home and straight to the church where Grandma and the babies were for Wacky Wednesday.  Apparently earlier in the day at the patch Missy Miss was bitten by a bug, but when questioned she claimed that it was an elephant that bit her and that afterwards the elephant took her for a ride!! Such wild imaginations children have.

I took the boys home and dropped them off with Daddy for tball practice and then took the truck back to the church and had yummy chili dinner with Grandma, Ninny and Missy Miss.

I was helping Missy with a number puzzle after dinner and asked her what the number 5 was, and she replied "um 60,000".  Who knew she even knew the number 60,000 or how to say it for that matter.  Well, at least she said a number.

Daddy returned with the boys around 630pm and dropped them at the church for the second part of Wacky Wednesday with Missy Miss and then we took Peanut to dinner at Tijuana Flats.  I didn't eat anything, but it was nice to have some alone time with our teenager to find out what was going on in his life.

We got home around 730 and started carving the giant pumpkin!!  The pumpkin guts were really yucky.  The littles got home in time to try their hand at degutting the pumpkin, but soon gave up because is was too gross.  Peanut carved a really cool spooky house in the pumpkin and it now sits on the porch awaiting the little trick or treaters on Halloween!!!! BOOOO!!!!!
The munchkins didn't get to bed until almost 10 which is way late for them.  I soon followed suit.  They all slept in this morning and Missy didn't even get up until about 0845.  What a treat!!

We ate a leisurely breakfast and then had worship time. After that they all played and I finished the grocery list and cutting my coupons until Grandma came and then we ate lunch before me and Missy took off to do the hunting and gathering.

Grandma took the two boys to the "pinch place" to get Woobie's allergy shots and then the went to McD's for an hour or so.  They met us back at the house and helped unload the groceries for me.

Missy and Schnooky helped me put the groceries away while Woobie lounged on the couch watching PBS.  Then I taught Schnooky how to fold the dishtowels.  He did a really good job.  He is definitely my little worker!!! Missy is pretty helpful too!!!  Woobie on the other hand would prefer for someone else to help unless of course there might be money involved!!!  No, he has his moments when he jumps right in, but usually Schnooky and Missy are always at the ready!!!

I made dinner and of course Schnooky wouldn't eat anything I made.  We kept telling him the shake n bake chicken was just like chicken nuggets and he declared that he didn't like chicken nuggets, he only like hamburgers!!!  Go figure!!!  Usually the only thing he will eat is chicken nuggets!!  I must say though that they are getting a little better about eating cheeseburgers when we go out to McD's lately which is a nice change especially since I refuse to let them eat their chicken nugget Happy Meals.  They are only allowed to have the chicken selects, but they don't have Happy Meals made with those.  They are beginning to realize if they eat cheeseburgers they get Happy Meals again!!!  Smart kids I have!!!

Finally, after compromising and letting Schnooky eat a ham sandwich we took everyone outside.  Daddy let the boys hit some balls off the Tee for a while and Missy played on the playground.  Then the boys played on the playground for a while and Missy played in the dirt.  She was covered from her fingers to her armpits in dirt literally and of course then smeared it all over her face.  She kept coming over and trying to give Mommy a dirt hug!!!  She was 100 times dirtier than her brothers for sure.

Needless to say it was into the tub for everyone when we came inside.  Then it was off too bed for them.  They were out in about 2 minutes!!!

Grandma and I powered walked with the Nonster and then I plopped down in front of this computer to catch up my blog!!!  I am now caught up and going to call it a night!!!!

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