Friday, September 17, 2010

Birthday Celebration!

Thursday morning dawned early with Missy Miss clomping down the hall in her butterfly flipflops at 0543.  I tried to take her in my bed to go back to sleep, but after 45 minutes she was having no part of it and wanted to go on the couch.  I promptly put her on the couch and she actually went back to sleep for a while.

I got up a little after 0700 to find Woobie snuggled up next to her.  I climbed back in bed for a few more minutes of much needed sleep and about 0715 was awakened to Missy Miss yelling at Woobie to get out of her spot!  She apparently woke up and was quite unhappy to have her big brother in her space.

Grandma arrived just in time so I could get ready for work in record time and I still left late.  I just couldn't get my act together and get out the door.  I am very unmotivated these days when it comes to going to work. 

Shortly after arriving at work I got a frantic call for Peanut to report that he once again locked his keys in his car.  This is the 3rd or 4th time he has done this in less than a year.  I had him call Grandma and after almost an hour of tearing our house apart she finally found the key on top of the tool box in the garage.  She then loaded up the littles and headed out to Mt Dora to rescue the absent minded teenager, who when told he needed to be more careful in the future stated that he would rather lock his keys in the car then be late for class!  The logic of teenagers!!  Scary!!!

Just after lunch I got a nice treat and got to see the munchkins for a few minutes.  My mom had them over at the Family Fortress dropping off some stuff for next week and stopped by the clinic so I could see them and get some hugs and kisses.

Oh and we had a visit by local law enforcement that morning after I left for work because Woobie called 911 and then hung up so needless to say they were at the front door in no time to see what was going on.  The police officer gave them a lesson about the importance of only using the 911 system in a true emergency.

Last night I ended up in Missy's bed when she woke up in the middle of the night and then around 0700 Mr Schnooky Bear climbed up in the bed to see his sissy to which she excitedly cried "Brother" and he gave her a big hug.  He then grinned and said, "I think she likes me".  So sweet!

We ate breakfast and then we were off for our morning power walk with all kidlets strapped in a stroller so we could make it around the block in less than an hour because I had a lot to do to prepare for the big birthday celebration.

Yes, we celebrated Peanut's 18th birthday tonight with all of his favorite foods.  Grandma, Grandpa, Grandpa Rob, Aunt Ninny and Uncle Smitty joined us to help celebrate our beautiful first born's 18th birthday.  We had prime rib, green bean casserole, cornbread casserole, corn, stuffing, mashed potatoes and for dessert a very hard sought after Red Velvet cake with cream cheese icing and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream!!  I am drooling again just thinking about it.

It was a nice evening spent together with family.  I still can't believe that tomorrow my baby boy will be 18 years old.  He has grown up all too fast.  I pray he knows how much we love him and how proud we are of the young man he has become.  As he continues his Senior year in high school I pray that he stays focused and does not succomb to the many distractions of this world or the infamous Senioritis!!!

Well, it is time to say goodnight! 

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