Monday, January 17, 2011

Ski Trip 2011

January 14th dawned early, really early!!  We were up and out the door by 0545 to embark on the Lakeside Youth ski trip!!  Sean, Peanut and I ran through the McD's drive thru for a quick breakfast and then we headed to the church to wait for everyone to arrive.

There were 9 of us heading to Lake Junaluska this year for the youth ski retreat.  It was going to be skiing by day and worshipping and hearing God's Word by night!  I was so excited to be going back again this year.  We had such a great time last year and created such great memories!

We finally hit the road a little before 0800 after waiting for one of our travelers who thought our departure was going to be at 630pm!  We made great time and arrived safely at Lake Junaluska Methodist Retreat at about 5pm! 

After settling into our rooms we loaded up and grabbed some dinner at Zaxby's before the first worship service at 8pm.  We had a great time at the worship service singing praises to God and hearing from an awesome speaker.  Our theme for the weekend was from Romans 12:1-3.  We were learning to not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. 

Saturday morning we left at 0630 to head for Wolf Ridge!  We wanted to make sure that we got there before the crowds.  When we finally got all of our gear and headed for the slopes it was about 930.  Hubby waited for the free lesson while Peanut and I hit the slopes for a quick warm up.

It was awesome.  It was like riding a bike I remembered exactly what to do.  It's all about Pizza!!  I was in ski heaven.  I missed the slopes! 

Meanwhile, hubby was learning the finer points of how to pizza!  From what I could see he was doing pretty well.  He hit the bunny slope a few times and then we took him up on the lift to hit the green slope. 

Well, getting off the lift didn't go so well for hubby.  He leaned back instead of forward and ended up flat on his back. Ouch!!  Once he got up it went fairly well down the flat part of the slope and then things got hairy when he hit the steeper parts of the slope.  He took a few pretty good tumbles and decided to walk the rest of the way down. 

After another few attempts he decided that skiing wasn't his cup of tea and he spent the rest of the day in the lodge while we all hit the slopes for a few more hours.  He was such a good sport.

We hit the road a little after 5pm to head back to the retreat for dinner and the evening worship service.  We enjoyed more singing and inspirational speaking.  By the way,  are you a thermometer or a thermostat???

Sunday we hit the road early again to get to the slopes and have as much time as possible skiing on our last day.  Hubby stayed behind to rest his poor aching muscles.  I left him with a kiss and a bottle of ibuprofen after taking a few for myself.  My muscles were aching too, but it was a good ache and I was ready for more skiing!

We had a great day on the slopes and the weather was just beautiful the whole weekend.  We skiied until they closed the lifts.  We were all sad to leave the Wolf, but we had to head back to camp for dinner and worship.  I was anxious to see how hubby was feeling as well. 

We had a great night and all decided we wanted to be thermostats in life.  We learned that as thermostats we set the standard for others to follow and those standards should be in line with how God wants us to live. 

Monday morning we loaded up the cars and had breakfast in the dining hall before hitting the long road home.  It was a great trip and all of us had a really good time.  We were all a little sore, well some of us more than others and a lot tired, but filled with the Holy Spirit and ready to be thermostats!

We arrived home about 530pm and unloaded all the kids and handed them back to their parents.  We hurried home after that to hug our sweet babies!  We missed them a whole bunch!  Then it was back to our house and off to bed for work early in the am!!

No rest for the weary here!!!

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