Saturday, January 1, 2011

I like to ride my bicycle!

Well, it is New Year's Day!  Welcome 2011!!! Today was a lazy day at home with the family.  It was also an important milestone for Woobie.

Today he learned to ride his bike without training wheels.  When I told him that we were going to take the training wheels off of his bike he was so excited he jumped up and wrapped his arms and legs around me!

It was quite an undertaking too.  We all went outside and Daddy took off the training wheels.  Then Daddy and Peanut took him out in the culdesac.  Daddy helped Woobie get balanced and then held on to the seat while he pedaled towards Peanut.  It took him several times before he realized that Daddy and Peanut were not going to let him fall.

Once he got the hang of it, Daddy started letting go and Woobie stayed up and pedaled to Peanut.  After about an hour he was pedaling around the culdesac.  They took a little break and then he practiced stopping by himself without falling over.

We were all so proud of him and how quickly he caught on.  It was so great.  Grandma and Grandpa came down to join in the fun as well.  We were all whooping it up and giving him high fives.  He was so cute and so proud of himself.

Schnooky was quite jealous at first.  He wanted the training wheels taken off of his new bike.  We tried to explain that he needed to get used to riding his new bike with training wheels for a while before taking them off.  There was no reasoning with him.  However, as he was riding his bike with the training wheels on and watching Woobie learning to ride his bike the tune changed.  At one point he announced that he didn't want to take the training wheels off of his bike after all!!
We got a special treat later when I took the kids over to Aunt Krissy's to see the little pug puppies.  The puppies were so cute and the kids were so excited to play with them and hold them.  We all had a great time playing with the pups.  I would so love to have taken one home with us, but life is crazy enough right now without adding a puppy to the mix!!

All in all it was a great start to the new year!  I pray that we have lots of fond memories to make in 2011!

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