Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Week in Review

Ok, so it has been quite a while since I last blogged.  I have faced the fact that I just can't be organized, motivated or energetic enough to make this an every day or for that matter every three or four day event.  So, I have decided to try and make a commitment to blog once a week to recap the highlights of our crazy, hectic, wonderful life.

Here goes nothing...

This week started with a 48 hours of work in 4 days. Let me backup and say that I started a new job on 5/31/12 with a Critical Care group.  My year of post master's schooling has paid off and enabled me this wonderful opportunity to fulfill my dream of being a Nurse Practitioner in Critical Care.  My debut started big with 4 12 hour shifts in a row.  I was pooped by Tuesday night for sure.  However, it was a great start to my new job and a good introduction to the routine.

The kids had VBS this week so on Wednesday and Thursday I was able to go with them and help out and watch the kids in action.  I just love watching the kids sing and learn the hand motions to all of the songs.  I know it's crazy, but I get so emotional watching the kids at VBS.  I usually well up with tears and just feel so overwhelmed with emotion as I see these children praising and worshipping our awesome God.   This year's theme was Amazing Wonders Aviation.  The songs were great and my kids love singing them over and over.  Missy was even singing them in bed at night. 

On Wednesday after VBS we went to Don Pablos with my mom , my Aunt Ninny and Emma.  Missy was so cute during lunch as she was singing Yes to VBS at the top of her lungs in the middle of the restaurant.  She is my sweet little singing bee.  After lunch the boys went with Grandma and I took Missy with me to get my driver's license renewed.  Suprisingly enough it went very quickly contrary to most experiences with bureaucratic establishments.

Friday was my 42nd birthday and I spent the day at work.  It was a really good day and I learned a lot.  I got lots of FB messages throughout the day which had my phone going tweet tweet so much I think people must have thought I had a bird in my pocket.  Such a great feeling to have so many folks wishing me happy birthday wishes!!

I had the weekend off which has been great.  Saturday I went shopping all by myself with my Kohl's gift card from my hubby!  I love Kohl's  I got some really cute clothes and a new pair of tennis shoes too.  Saturday evening we went to our Gathering Group event at the Willets.  We had lots of good food and fellowship and the kids swam all night until about 9pm.  Needless to say, Missy was asleep before we even pulled into the neighborhood.  We had a great time.

Today we went to church and then lunch at Tijuana Flats.  Then we came home to discover our little Schnooky had a fever and was pretty miserable and complaining that his brain hurt.  Schnooky does not do sick well.  Whenever he gets a fever he always gets a headache and will tell you that his brain hurts.  Poor little guy.  He was feeling much better by dinner time and even had a piece of my birthday cake which my hubby bought for my birthday celebration today.  We had a nice dinner and then topped it off with birthday cake.  My favorite!!! 

Well, that's it in a nutshell.  I am calling it a night!!!!

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