Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Oh what a week!!

Where do I start?  It has been quite a whirlwind of a week to say the least.  I feel like I have worked everyday.  The kids are all doing great.  No more fevers or complaints of brains hurting.  Thank you God!!  The little ones are almost finished with their antibiotics from their bout with strep throat.  I pray they will not have to take anymore antibiotics for a very long time.

So, I worked on Thursday (9/30) all day and then Friday I had to leave around 11am to take a ACLS prep course to refresh my memory on ECG and pharmacology.  It was great.  I was the only one there so had good one on one instruction and I was thrilled at how much I actually remembered especially since I haven't read an ECG or pushed a code drug in quite a few years.  I am so thrilled to be getting back into the acute care world.

On my way home Friday afternoon I had to make a stop at the tire place to have a hunk of metal removed from my tire and patched.  A little unexpected detour in my day.  Thank goodness for road hazard protection. Highly recommend it!!!

Unfortunately, I had to work Saturday and Sunday so I missed the boys second T-ball game and church.  We had a nice Sunday dinner after work though and it was good to see the munchkins.  Peanut was gone all weekend to Aunt Sheila's house and then got home in time Sunday to go right to work for 6pm.

Then I worked again on Monday!!!  See what I mean by I feel like I have worked everyday!!!  It was a very busy day for sure.  Saw 35 and referred out 2-3.  Nonstop fun for sure.  I got home that night and was ready to crash!

Tuesday morning I left around 930am for an interview for a possible job with Infectious Disease rounding in the hospital.  I am feeling like I would really like this opportunity and it is flexible too for my home and upcoming school schedule.  I am waiting to hear if I am offered the job or not.  She said she would get back to me by Monday at the latest.  I do so hate waiting.  I worry too much when I have to wait!!!  I am asking God to help me with that!!!

After the interview, I headed to coop to meet mom, Aunt Ninny and the kids.  I stopped for gas on my way there and proceeded to splash gas all over my good interview clothes when I was taking the nozzle out of the tank.  It was awful.  Thank goodness I had brought a change of clothes.  I had to huddle in the back of the van sitting at the pump and change my smelly clothes. 

Coop was fun but exhausting.   Running after 8 preschoolers will just wear a body out.  I definitely am not preschool teacher material I can tell you!!  Missy was so cute during song time.  She just loves to sing and do the motions to all the songs. My little singing bee for sure.  Schnooky didn't get into the songs too much until we did ring around the rosy.  He loved that and when we all fell down he would just sit right down.  I guess he has some good padding on his rearend!!!

I didn't see too much of Woobie because he was going to the different activities with the K-2 group.  I got to steal a hug or two every now and then when our pathes crossed during the day.  He was having a great time.

Grandma was on Chicken duty.  One of the activities was looking at the parts of raw chicken fryer.  I have a fetish about raw chicken/turkey and gladly relinquished the duty to Grandma.  Give me cow eyeballs any day over raw chicken!!! Can you say SALMONELLA!!!!

We got home just in time for Daddy to load up the boys and head to practice.  I then dropped Missy off with Grandma and went to get dog food.  Poor Noni had not one morsel left.  As soon as I returned it was time to strap on the walking shoes and truck around the block with the ChaChas and our little ChaCha in training.  Of course we couldn't leave the Nonster behind either.

We returned a little before 7pm and then Grandpa took over and us ladies commenced to studying The Word!!!  We finished up Collosians and next week we will begin Phillipians.  I so love my sisters in Christ!!!

We were up bright and early this morning.  Mr Schnooky was being a little whiny at first and his sweet sissy offered to read him her Dora book to help make him happy.  So sweet to think of her brother like that.

Aunt Krissy came over around 0730 and I got ready for work and headed out the door, late as usual!  I made it to work a few minutes late, but not too bad.  Aunt Krissy and the kids had a great time and then Daddy came home and picked the kiddies up and came up to meet me for lunch. 

It was great to see everyone.  The boys were so cute together as I watched them play tic tac toe.  Missy was a bouncy girl and hardly sat still the whole time.  All too soon it was time to head back to work, and that is when it happened......

I was pulling forward out of the parking spot and totally did not see this little white neon until I ran into it.  She apparently was coming down the aisle and I just totally blanked out and pulled out right into her.  I didn't do too much damage to the truck, except scrape the left front bumper a little and knock out one of the fog lights.  It is hard to say how much damage I actually did to her car as it was a little beat up to begin with .  There was a police offiicer inside of the Publix and she came over and surveyed things.  It was decided that we would just exchange insurance information and not file a report.  I thought that was very nice of the lady to not want to make a big deal out of things.  She was very quiet and it was hard to read her.  I apologize several times.  Not sure if she will contact her insurance company or not, but we will see.  We have no plans to contact our insurance company about the whole mess especially since there was very little damage to the truck.  Thank goodness I was driving the truck and not the van.

I was so mortified by the whole thing.  I haven't had an accident in over 12 years.  Hubby came back to the parking lot and stayed until we were finished.  Schnooky kept asking to get out so he could see the police lady.  Before she left Daddy asked her to peak her head in the van and say hello.  The kids thought that was great.

Finally, I got back to work only a half an hour late!!!  I had only one person waiting for me and she had been informed of the situation by the pharmacy.  The rest of the day went by relatively quickly as I was pretty busy herding them in and out of the clinic.  I was very glad when it was time to put up the closed sign and go home.

I arrived home just in time to say goodbye to hubby as he had to go back to work.  We are like two ships passing in the night it feels like sometimes.  I am so glad we start vacation soon.  I will officially start my vacation as of 730pm tomorrow night!!! 

And then to cap off the night I spilled half of my Vitamin water all over the inn table and floor.  I clearly have a foggy brain today!!  And on that note I am going to close and take me and my foggy brain to bed.


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