Monday, August 16, 2010

Update from the Homefront

Well, hard to believe that it has been 4 days since my last post.  Time just goes way too fast.  Not too much exciting news to report from Thursday and Friday since I had to work all day both days.

We actually had Saturday off with the whole family so that was nice.   Daddy mowed the lawn and I mopped and vacuumed until lunch time.  Then we had a dip in the pool and afterwards headed out on the road.  Our first stop was the Altamonte Mall.  The place was a mad house.  I couldn't believe how many people were there.  I then realized that it was 2 days before the start of school and tax free shopping!!!!

We then decided to go back to the mattress place where we bought Missy Miss her new bed.  We decided that it was way too firm and maybe that was the reason she wasn't staying in it all night.  We can both attest to how rock hard it is.  When we tried it in the store it did not seem nearly that firm.  So we decided to take advantage of the return policy and traded up to a much softer higher quality mattress for about $150 more than the original cost, but we hope and pray it will do the trick. 

We then went and had dinner at Don Pablo's.  I had chicken fajitas.  Yum!!  I haven't had those in so long.  They were very tasty indeed.  The children of course picked at their food and we left with most of it in a doggie bag.  From now on they get water to drink instead of filling up on sprite!!!

It was then off to one of my least favorite things to do-grocery shopping.  I must say though that since we have been really sticking to our budget with gazelle intensity (Dave Ramsey fans will get that) I don't find it nearly as painful as I used to.  I am enjoying the challenge of staying to our $200 every 2 weeks budget and love it when I come in under that with all my coupons!!  We always start at Aldi's where we get most of our staples like milk, bread, meat, etc.  and then I usually go to Publix and that is when the couponing begins.  This trip I saved over $20 using my coupons!!!  I can't say that I go there and get $100 worth of groceries for less than $1 like I have seen some folks do, but I think I am doing pretty good.

Then it was home to put everything away and tuck the little ones in to bed for the night.  Peanut was working until 11pm so once the munchkins were asleep it was just me and the hubster.   We watched the Reds game and then called it a night around 1030pm. It's tough getting old.  And wouldn't you believe it Missy Miss slept all night in her bed until 0630 Sunday morning!!!  Go figure we just drop another $150 for a new mattress and she stays in the original bed all night. 

Sunday was spent going to church with all of the kiddies.  Unfortunately, Daddy had to work.  It was a nice service and then we had lunch at McD's and home to Grandma's for naps.  Well, at least a nap for Missy Miss.  The little boys are getting more resistant to nap taking these days.  There goes my quiet time!!  Grandma and I tried to do some planning for our homeschool year, but didn't get too much accomplished with everything else going on.

Dinner was a rushed affair for me as we didn't sit down to eat until 550pm and I had a teleconference staff meeting at 6pm.  I think the food tasted good as I inhaled it!!!  Meeting over by 715pm and then it was time to tackle the bedtime routine again!!!  I tell you bedtime has become quite the nightmare these days.  They used to all go down so easily for the most part.  It has now become a battle of wills and most nights I am exhausted by the time they are all finally asleep.  Missy Miss was so darn cute as was trying to get her down for the 10th time and she looked at me and asked for milk.  I tried to say no, but she just looked at me with those sweet Hazel eyes and said "just a little bit please"!  I was putty in her hands at that point and gave her some milk.

The $150 is starting to look better as she was once again up at 0130 and spent the rest of the night on the couch!!!  Hurry up Friday so we can get the new bed delivered and start part 2 of the grand experiment!!!

This morning we were all up a little after 0700 but we all stayed snuggled in our bed until 0830.  Then it was breakfast and Bible time.  We learned about how even children are known by their deeds.  It was a very pertinent lesson as we were headed to the mall again to change out my Invisishield for my iphone again!! Hopefully, it will be great this time and not have any defects.  I reminded the children that people would be watching us and more importantly God would be watching us so we needed to behave in a way that glorified God.  They all three did very well.  We even had pretzels from Auntie Annes and played in the little play area for a while.  All three were very good when it was time to go and came right away to load up in the stroller and head to the car. 

As I write you Missy Miss is snoozing and the boys, well they are watching a little PBS so Mommy can have some me time.  Now, I am going to show Woobie the finer points of how to play checkers!!

Till next time!!!

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